Memorial Services | Venues in Surrey | Funeral Venues


Life Mementos


Welcome To Life Mementos


Expressing farewell to friends and family for the last time is a staggeringly miserable and troublesome time for loved ones. We realize that your pain will be different to our own, yet we do comprehend, as we have all lost somebody we love at Life Mementos.

At Life Mementos we think that praising your cherished one's life through photographs and words which will carry an elevating and positive experience to the day of the Burial service. Remembrance service


Festivity Of A Day to day existence Lived With The Memento Gallery


The Memento Gallery is an approach to commending your cherished one's life through photographs and words that will carry an inspiring and positive experience to the day of the Burial service and Commemoration wake. Wake Venues in Sussex

The Commemoration gathering following a memorial service offers loved ones some comfort, meeting up, sharing stories and offering their appreciation in a more casual manner.

This offers a brilliant chance for loved ones to share their photographs through their cell phones or photographs they have carried with them to be in a split second transferred to our Memento Gallery so all can see. This assistance is done consciously and delicately by our expert Life Memento group chaperons. Venues in Sussex


Why Choose Our Services?


We are energetic on giving extraordinary touchy, deferential individual help with a comprehension that our clients are lamenting. Funeral Notices


Life Mementos Helping You, Your Family and Your Companions To Commend a Life Lived

Remembrance Tributes in Surrey


Contact us


07477 714 514

Reigate Hill, Reigate RH2 9PF

